

“Stranglehold” Single artwork as featured in 'The 7" Singles Box'
“Stranglehold” Single artwork as featured in 'The 7" Singles Box'
PAUL McCARTNEY - StrangleholdPAUL McCARTNEY - StrangleholdPAUL McCARTNEY - StrangleholdPAUL McCARTNEY - StrangleholdPAUL McCARTNEY - Stranglehold
PAUL McCARTNEY - Stranglehold
Release date - 29 October 1986


  1. AStranglehold
  2. BAngry (Remix)

Appears on

Press To Play album artwork

Press To Play

Single Notes

Like the single 'Pretty Little Head', 'Stranglehold' was also a collaboration between Paul and Eric Stewart from 10cc. It was only released as a single in the US until the 7" was reissued in 2022 for The 7" Singles Box.